Category: Alcohol Inks

  • Venue 10: Vivian Ann Ireland

    Venue 10: Vivian Ann Ireland

    Vivien’s love of painting began with a craft group which included lessons in art.  Starting with oils and then acrylics which she still uses, loving the brightness of colour.  She has attended many workshops which have been beneficial.  Subject choices are mixed allowing her to paint in an impressionist style.

  • Venue 3: Rosslyn Bosnar

    Venue 3: Rosslyn Bosnar

    Ros will be exhibiting her work at the Bannockburn venue. It will include a selection of the different mediums she uses: watercolour, alcohol ink, acrylic and silk painting. She will be demonstrating throughout the weekend.

  • Golden Plains Arts Trail Gallery 3 – Dereel

    Golden Plains Arts Trail Gallery 3 – Dereel

    Dereel has 4 venues and seven artists participating in the Golden Plains Arts Trail. You will find everything from photography, textiles, hand made books, and more. Check the artist pages for details.

  • 2023 Golden Plains Arts Trail

    2023 Golden Plains Arts Trail

    Your Guide to the North and South Trails GP Arts Inc are thrilled to announce the 2023 Golden Plains Arts Trail is happening on Saturday tth and Sunday 7th May in 20 venues across the Golden Plains Shire. In total, 65 artists are participating. Links are below. The feature image for this post is by…

  • Venue 10: Vivien Ann Ireland

    Venue 10: Vivien Ann Ireland

    2023 Golden Plains Arts Trail artist Vivien Ann Ireland will be in her home studio exhibiting her work. Read more

  • Venue 3: Rosslyn Bosnar

    Venue 3: Rosslyn Bosnar

    2023 Golden Plains Arts Trail artist Rosslyn Bosnar will be at the Bannockburn Bowling Club exhibiting her work. Read more

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