Venue 9: Rachael Strahan - We Shoot Stuff

Venue 9: Racheal Strahan

Working as ‘We Shoot Stuff‘ Racheal is a landscape and portrait photographer. She will have Australian Landscape photographs on display and for purchase on the weekend of the Arts Trail. Racheal also has a textiles business ‘Amezaak Designs‘ which specialises in making custom bags, purses, clothing and hair accessories.

Venue 9: Racheal Strahan -Amezaak Designs
Venue 9: Racheal Strahan -Amezaak Designs


One response to “Venue 9: Racheal Strahan”

  1. Photography at the Golden Plains Arts Trail – GP Arts Inc. Avatar

    […] in Venue 9 is Racheal Strahan, an excellent portrait photographer and Australian landscape […]


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